So as the EIC of The Odyssey Online at UNC Charlotte, I strive to encourage my fellow students to join The Odyssey as well! Here are five reasons why you should join The Odyssey Online while you're in college.
1. You Connect with Other Students and a Broader Audience
No matter what university you are a part of, Odyssey gives you a way to connect with other students and audiences around the world.
2. You Can Write About What Matters to You
Are you into comics, video games, humanitarian issues, politics, make up , etc? Guess what, this is a great place to write about that. Take advantage of this platform and this community.
3. Improve Your Skills as a Writer
Obviously this is not a place for academic writing, but it is a place to write. Anytime you write, you improve your skills.
4. This is an Outlet
This site allows you to write about what matters to you, and when you do that, you allow yourself an outlet. For instance, I've talked about eating disorders, feminism, and the lack of support from the government when it came/comes to Puerto Rico and the fact that they're still struggling.
5. It's a Place to be Yourself
The Odyssey Online is a place for you to open up, be yourself, and connect to like minded people. Look, it doesn't matter how old you are, if you're in college, join up. Connect with people you've never met before. You never know, maybe there's somebody who needs or wants to hear what you have to say.