The words back to school tend to only appeal to those who are in college. Being in middle school or high school just means going back to 8 hour long school days, crowded hallways, and lecture after lecture. But, when you are in college, going back to school means friends, new rooms, and lots of fun. Decorating your college dorm is one of the most fun things to do and doing it with your roommates/best friends makes the task all the more enjoyable. Although you are on campus to learn and create academic opportunities for yourself, those things listed above are what we really look forward to, let’s be honest. So, the top five reasons you should be excited to go back to school are listed below!
1. Friends
The real ultimate reason you want to go back to school is because you will get to live with your friends again. The convenience of living with friends is not something to be overlooked, as many college students know the long summers without them are hard and not as much fun.
2. The Fun
The fun, however you may define this, parties, crafts, get togethers, club sports teams, all the works. These are a huge part of the college experience and going back to them is exactly what you’ve been looking forward to all summer long. Not to say that you haven’t had fun with your hometown friends or anything like that. But, you are about to have a school to throw down with and that is something fantastic to look forward to.
3. New Room
You get to decorate your own personal room and that is super exciting. Your own style comes into play you can do whatever you feel in your new room. Making a nice cozy space your own is one of the best feelings in the world, and you get to do it each and every year. Talk about excitement.
4. The Food
Okay, now this is usually not something college students look forward to because campus food tends to be incomparable to a nice home cooked meal, but if you are living in an apartment then you might be looking forward to it. Being able to make your own meals at school is quite luxurious and can keep your health in check as well, so that is always a plus.
5. The Potential
This is by far my favorite thing that I look forward to coming back to school. Whether it be the academic potential, the new friend potential, the athletic ability potential, it is looking forward to the growth you can make in all these areas. Not only those areas but thousands more as well. Personally, academic potential is my favorite because each semester you get a chance to again improve on your intelligence, understanding of subject matter, and to broaden your intellectual horizons. New friends and athletic ability shouldn’t go ignored either, because they are great areas that can be added to as well.
So, all in all look forward to going back to school, the growth, new experiences, and fun you will have!