Whether you’re trying to stuff all the clothes you didn’t really need back into your suitcase or downloading new music for the trip back, school is approaching. Some might be apprehensive to return after remembering the hellish stress of finals week, but I don’t share this sentiment. I couldn’t be more ready to head back to school and here’s why.
1. No more summer job
The worse part of summer is waking up to go to your job. You really only show up everyday so you can make money to blow on Ubers and eating out during the school year. Luckily, in returning to school you’ve been set free from this ball and chain that stole hours of fun in the sun from you. Sure it was nice to get the paycheck, but the toll it took on your moral was nearly detrimental. Now you’re free to stay up all hours of the night and sleep all day.
2. Freedom
Nothing ruins a get together faster than your parent’s checklist for approval. No I don’t know what time I’ll be back, no I’m not worried about getting a ride home, yes I have some money on me, sure there will be adults there, no I don’t know everyone that’s coming. The feeling of being able to go where I want without first taking a twenty minute questionnaire will be a sweet release from the anxiety of trying to make my social hangouts meet the standards of my mother.
3. Unlimited access to your friends
It was definitely a shock to go from seeing my
friends everyday to going 3 months without them. The long facetime calls and
qroup texts kept us in touch, but nothing compares to eating dinner with your
friends and then sitting in the dining hall for three hours because more and
more people come in and join you. There’s nothing like the environment of a
college campus and a major part of that is the people you spend your time with.
I can’t wait for crazy car rides, lunch dates, and more. Its time to get the squad back together.
4. Going to class
Surprisingly I miss going to class. Sure sometimes professors can be crazy and assignments can be trifling, but I want to learn new things. Mastering a new subject is a welcomed challenge and after that I’ll go back to my room, take a nap, and let all that information sink in.
5. Self-discovery
Going back to school means continuing to experience new things. This is invaluable because nothing else will give you the same feeling of being confronted by new ideals, new responsibilities and new realizations. Finding yourself never seemed so fun.