5 Reasons to Pursue Theater at a "Non-Theater" School | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons to Pursue Theater at a "Non-Theater" School

If you didn't make that dream school, there are still plenty of good options for you.

5 Reasons to Pursue Theater at a "Non-Theater" School

The hype is real when it comes to applying to the most prestigious theater schools in the country when you're a high school theater student. I don't want to discourage anyone from doing so, but the reality is that chances of getting into these schools, even if you're really good, can be slim. Never fear! There are still great opportunities for you at "non-theater" schools, especially small liberal arts colleges. Within more flexible theater departments, you may find you are learning much more about theater than you might at a much more competitive theater school. Here are some of my favorite reasons why a less competitive theater program is actually better for you:

1. Higher chance at getting roles in shows.

Smaller departments with more flexibility for allowing new faces to get roles greatly increases your chance of getting to act in a show. Not only that, but your chances for a significant role are also higher, since needs for shows are always changing. The turnover rate at which seniors graduate also allow for new blood to take the leads in consecutive semesters. The goal of majoring in theater is to get a chance to be on stage, so why not take your passion somewhere where it will be put to good use?

2. Getting to know the department.

Involvement in shows means mingling with a lot of familiar people, professors and students alike. The more involved you are with theater shows at your school, the more frequently you will see others involved, and get closer with them. Readily available theater classes, as opposed to frequently full classes, allow you to see your department professors and often directors and designers on a regular basis. It's really important to get to know them! And also, theater people are just the best.

3. A more well-rounded education in all aspects of theater.

Being involved in a small, flexible theater department allows me to explore the many realms of theater, not just acting. I've been involved in a lot of technical theater in addition to the acting piece, and both are equally important. "Theater magic" is super fun to learn practically, and gives you skills of quick adaptability like you never had before. It creates a more creative mind, and a better understanding of the responsibilities both actors and technicians face, which fosters mutual respect.

4. You can be involved without majoring or minoring in theater.

This rule may vary from school to school, but in many less competitive theater departments, having talent and passion are all you need. Most schools will prioritize majors or minors, but this hasn't prevented me from very many opportunities, and certainly shouldn't stop you from getting involved if you don't want to make it your academic pursuit.

5. Networking

All these other reasons add up to this one: gaining experience and contacts at your school and in your local area can give you an advantage over students who may have attended a great theater school, but don't have the connections once they graduate. If you're really passionate about theater and want to pursue it as a career, joining a smaller department may be more beneficial to you.

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