Someday isn't good enough.
If you’re a dreamer, you’ve realized that the sky’s the limit. Yet, confining yourself to goals you’ll accomplish “someday” or “next week” or “after ______(insert current limiting factor)” only serves to crush your potential.
Here’s 5 Reasons why you need to say sayonara to your Someday Syndrome:
1. Life is a gift. Tomorrow’s not guaranteed, and likewise, your future goals aren’t guaranteed to unfold either.
2. Reality is a thing. Sometimes, placing emphasis on your “someday” grants the excuse to slack off in your “everydays.” Truth is: you’re only robbing yourself of the amazing things you can be doing in the meantime of achieving your biggest dream.
3. What matters is NOW. Each moment, breath, and even millisecond can never be repeated. Time is the “timeless resource,” because truly, it’s the one thing we can never get back again. Once a moment is gone — it’s gone. Forever.
4. Similar to not having a rewind button, there’s also no fast forward button to life. (Although sometimes, we really really wish that there were) Believe me, I am a very impatient individual. I would absolutely appreciate beyond comparison to know what’s in store for my life. In fact, I hope that my vigorous, perfectionist plan for the future will come to pass. But, nothing good could possibly come from being dissatisfied in my life of today.
5. You’re constantly growing as an individual. If you didn’t have the preparation or the experience that you’re exposed to now, you wouldn’t be equipped for your someday goals. Never underestimate the power of now.
I encourage you to dream. Dream BIG. Enjoy the journey. Just don’t permit your life to become confined to living for your future. Enjoy your “everydays,” and don’t wish them away.