I have three English bulldogs, a boy and two girls, Snotch, Anna and Berda. They are my best friends and they always know just how to make me happy. Here are five reasons how bulldogs are better than people.
1. They keep your secrets better than anyone
They probably don't even understand them. They were more than likely asleep anyways, but they make the best diary around.
2. They are great cuddlers
They always seem to just know when you need some cuddles. And they're so fat and great that they just cuddle good. And their little wrinkles? ADORABLE.
3. They are fat and sluggish
You never have to worry about them running away from you. You can always love them when they are sleeping.
4. They sleep all the time
There isn't a time where my babies aren't asleep. They are always asleep. They sleep in the most random places, too. When they sleep, its the cutest, sweetest thing ever. They snore a little bit and their tongue sticks out a little, and it's just perfect. If you're lucky, they may just fall asleep with you.
5. They seem to always know when you need them
When dogs think you're upset or if you're crying, they come running. My dogs don't come running, but they cuddle up next to me and lick my face. They always seem to know how to make life better again.
Life with bulldogs can be taxing, but there is nothing more rewarding than those babies giving you all their love and care. I love my bulldogs more than anything in this world, and I cannot imagine life without my babies.