I have been playing the violin for eleven years, and I wholly believe that everyone should learn to competently play at least one instrument because playing music is not just nice for the ears and something to brag about; learning to play an instrument molds you to become a better person. So here are five reasons why everyone should be a musician.
1. You Develop Discipline
This may be the most obvious reason, but that does not denote its importance. In order to become a musician, you must practice. Practice is hard work, and you do not always receive an immediate payoff. It can be frustrating and very tempting to skip rehearsal for that day, week, or month, but the people who persevere will not only become great musicians—they will also become disciplined people. Discipline is a trait that will get you far in your academic, professional, and even personal life; it is an invaluable characteristic that very few possess, and music training is one of the few hobbies and passions that are heavily focused on developing a disciplined life.
2. You Learn Another Language
Whether your instrument of choice is a violin or a trombone, you will have to learn how to read sheet music. Personally, I think sheet music is like another language. Recently, I’ve been trying to learn alto clef (for the viola), but I am so accustomed to treble clef (violin) that I almost have to rewire my brain to be able to play alto clef. Sheet music is so complex and intricate; it’s a beautiful thing that challenges and enlivens your brain. Sheet music is a secret language that musicians share between each other and their instruments, and no mere mortal can interpret the notes unless they too learn the language.
3. You Automatically Have A Community
Musicians have a special bond with each other. Maybe it’s because they have all gone through endless hours of practice and rehearsal. Perhaps it's because they have been made fun of for choosing orchestra or band over more "cool" extracurricular activities. Or maybe because all musicians share an love for music and playing music. When you are a musician, you automatically have a community of friends who will jam with you anytime.
4. You Are Given Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunities
As a musician, you will probably be given once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. When people hear that you play an instrument, they store that information in the back of their mind and pull it out again if and when they need someone to play for an event. I recently had the honor to play the national anthem at a military ceremony, and I never would have had that opportunity if it had not been for my endless love for music and my persistent practice. Once-in-a-lifetime gigs are awesome for musicians; you come, you play, and they feed you and give you money.
5. You Have Somewhere To Go When The World Is Too Much
There are days when the world will be too much for you to handle, and it is days like these that I am especially grateful for my violin. When I play, I forget about all of my problems and just focus on the music. It’s a wonderful soothing experience. When everyone else has let you down, your instrument is there for you, begging you to play music, waiting to comfort you.
The violin has invaluably enriched my life. I am proud and privileged to call myself a musician. Music speaks to the soul, and as a musician, I am able to respond. Everyone should learn to play at least one instrument in their life because there is nothing else in this world that offers such a challenging yet comforting experience.