My mom has done the impossible and raised me, because I know I wasn't the easiest kid to deal with at times, but she did it with patience and unconditional love, which I am and will be forever grateful for, because not everyone has a mom like her, correction... nobody has a mom like her, because she is one in a million. She has and always will be my best friend, no matter who comes in and out of my life.
1. She Tells Me the Truth Even When it Hurts
She will always be completely honest with me even on the most sensitive subjects, without sugarcoating it, which isn't always want I want to hear but its what I need to hear. She's saved me from the simplest thing as walking out of the house with unblended foundation that I didn't catch in the mirror, to something as crucial as guiding me away from the wrong choice of school because my choice would hurt me in the end.
2. She's Beautiful Both Inside and Out
She's taken me on countless shopping trips to the mall to shop for clothes and makeup for her, for as long as I can remember, even before I had any interest in girly things, and I remember thinking I can't wait to grow up and look just like my mom. If theres one thing about my mom that anyone who doesn't even know her can admire, its her outer beauty, but not just her looks, its also the glow that she brings to a room with her presence, when she's around you just can't help but feel a wave of happiness come over you. She's also beautiful on the inside, and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She'll walk up to a complete stranger in a store who looks like they're hard down and their luck, and will do what it takes to make them smile, even its just the smallest gesture such as buying them food. She recognizes that the world is not a happy place for a lot of people, and she tries to share her happiness with everyone else, I wish more people were like her, because the world would be a much more enjoyable place to live in.
3. She's Taught Me Everything I Know about Being A Girl
Doing eyeliner, and learning how to straighten my hair so I don't look so scraggly in the morning wasn't a self-taught skill, my mom taught me with a lot of patience, as I unaware that mascara went on the eyelashes and not my eyebrows, and that I needed put on concealer before foundation and not after. When that time of month came around and I was freaking out, she sat down and explained to me that in fact I wasn't dying, but that against my will I was turning into a woman whether I was ready or not. She taught me that being a girl isn't the easiest job in the world, but with a little perseverance and lipstick I could conquer anything. She taught me how to properly match my clothes when I thought that Ugg boots and a dress went together.
4. She's ALWAYS There to Talk
My mom is always here for me when I need to vent about the horrible day I had, or when I need to know how to defrost a chicken in a hurry. She's never too busy to listen to me and will drop whatever she is doing so she can give me her undivided attention. A lot of people ask me why I call my mom everyday, as if talking to my mom everyday is some sort of burden, but to be honest my day isn't complete without hearing her voice.
5. She's an AMAZING cook
Coming from an Italian background basically means that pasta sauce and spaghetti runs in my moms veins, and that she sure knows how to make a mean lasagna! My mom can successfully cook anything that she puts her mind to, and I benefit from this in the form of care packages full of food and goodies. I've been a picky eater my whole life, and she's found a way to make almost any food taste delicious (with the exception of brussels sprouts) through love and hard work. I honestly wish our dining hall served her food, with the only negative effect being mass weight gain due to overconsumption.
I could go on and on about her, but I think that would exceed some sort of limit. I know I don't always show it but I love you mom, and thank you for shaping me into the young woman I am today, I am forever grateful.