Mimosa Hall has been home to some of the best memories of my freshman year of college. Despite how awful the lack of air-conditioning has been, the fire-prone building has been my beloved home for the past eight months. Coming into the school year, I was nervous that living in one of the traditional dorms on campus. But as everyone in Mimosa has come to know, it is truly the best freshman dorm on campus.
1. You get roommates and suitemates.
You have four other people who you get to know pretty well, besides your roommate. That being said, you're either going to love them or get pretty sick of them real quick.
2. You have a lounge to hang out in when you get sick of your room.
Technically, you're not supposed to sleep in the lounge, but I know multiple people who have. Some nights, the RAs have free food if you sign into their programs, so why not go?
3. You get your own bathroom.
You might have to clean it yourself, but you can literally do whatever you want to your bathroom. You don't have to use the communal bathrooms and you know exactly who was using it.
4. You are in the middle of campus.
You can wake up 10 minutes before class and make it there in five with time to spare unless you're going to Victoria. But at that point, why would you want to go to class anyway?
5. There is a computer lab attached to the building.
There is always someone in there, so there is always someone to let you in the building when you inevitably forget your ID. You just need someone to open up the door near the ramp now.
If you are lucky enough to live in Mimosa Hall next year, cherish it. There are always going to be hard times wherever you live, but you will never have the accessibility that you would have living in Mimosa.