In today's society, people tend to forget the importance of agriculture. People see agriculture as a one field industry, almost always labeling agriculture as just farming. So while other students are being praised for majoring in math and science fields, students majoring in agriculture are greeted with the statements, "Oh," and, "That's nice," at the announcement of their major.
What the people making these statements fail to realize is how majoring in agriculture is just as praise worthy as any major and by reading this article every person majoring in agriculture will be able to give plenty of reasons as to why this is true.
1. Agriculture was, is and always will be a necessary field of work.
For as long as people have walked this earth, there has been a hungry stomach grumbling for something to eat. Every person, no matter their major or field of work needs something in their belly to make it through the day. Whether it's the person making the food or the person coming up with new ideas to make the food grow faster, as long as there's a hungry tummy, there's always work to be done for an agriculture major.
2. Agriculture is more than just farming.
While farming is a part of agriculture, and a very essential part of agriculture at that, it is not the only work field in the agriculture industry. Agriculture encompasses business and sales, mechanics and research. You can be working with animals or plants. You can working out in a field or in a laboratory. With an agriculture major, the possibilities are truly endless.
3. There are a lot of Ag jobs, but not a lot of Ag majors.
In 2015, a report was released that said on average there are 57,900 agriculture jobs available annually with only 35,400 students graduating with agriculture major each year. That leaves almost 22,500 jobs up for grabs meaning agriculture majors are almost fully guaranteed a job once they receive their bachelors degree which is not something every major can say.
4. You'll have a lot in common with others in your major.
People who major in agriculture tend to have at least a small bit of history in the agriculture field. So when you're in your major specific class, you will always have someone to talk to. Maybe there is someone who you know who was in FFA or 4-H with you. Maybe you and the person who sits in front of you both grew up on a farm. No matter who you sit next to or who you talk to, you'll always be able to find a friend when majoring in agriculture because you all share the same passion for the field.
5. It's a rewarding experience.
Majoring in agriculture and having an agriculture career can be a challenge. At times, it can be a downright struggle. Worrying about money, figuring out how to handle a bad crop season or simply trying to convince your parents why this major is the right one for you. No matter what challenges you may face, being in the agriculture field is truly amazing because you know the work you are doing is making a difference in the lives of others. You may be discovering new techniques for harvesting, creating new technology or simply feeding a hungry mouth. No matter what you do in the agriculture field you are always touching the lives of others and making a difference in our country and our world.