For the past week most of the United States (screw you Florida) has been hit with some pretty intense winter weather. Parts of our nation are dealing with snow, sleet and ice, causing quite the hubbub. I'm pretty sure at this point the weathermen are rolling a dice and hoping that they get it somewhat right, but if we are honest my hair is better at telling the weather. Being born and raised in Missouri, this is nothing new; shout out to the ice storm of 2007 and my 10 days with no electricity. There are people who have cars stuck to the road or schools who are accepting the fact that they will now be going to school into June. Most of us hate the snow and I don't disagree, but there are good things about snow too!
1. Our dogs love it.
My chocolate lab, Duke, will play for hours in the snow until there are chunks of snow stuck to his fur. He will take his nose and try flipping snow on my sister and I, and he will try knocking over our snowman while we just laugh at his adorable little personality. Since we are stuck at home with nothing to do, we have the time to join in the fun with our dogs. Many breeds were made for the snow, so put on a few layers and go outside with your pup!
2. We get major snuggle time.
Sometimes all you need is someone to cuddle up next to when the wind is blowing so hard that your windows are shaking (or you are too broke to turn your heat up any higher). When you are stuck inside you have an excuse to pop in a movie and get as close as humanly possible to your girlfriend(s), boyfriend, froomies, and/or pets. Nothin is better than when your cat finds a comfy spot warming your toes while your boyfriend has his arms wrapped around you. You may even get to share a coat!
3. You get to stay inside and bake. ALL DAY.
Some of my favorite memories involve school being called off, staying home, and baking bread with my dad. We invited the neighborhood kids over and played with dough that would eventually become homemade cinnamon roles or bread men. This has somewhat translated into my adult life when I just cook all day long and proceed to eat sweets for the rest of the week. Nothing is better than filling a cold house with warm scents and food.
4. We can adventure with our best friends.
During my first year in college, we had a week where it just continuously snowed. I'm pretty sure we ended up with almost a foot of snow, but that could just be my over-exaggerated memory. During this time my close group of friends watched movies on this huge T.V. in our resident hall and played in the snow when we decided to get out of our PJs. Snow went down our shirts and pants, we couldn't feel our faces or toes, there were a lot of shenanigans (I may or may not have pushed a face or two in the snow), and we had so much fun. We couldn't drive anywhere, but I think we had and better time staying in anyway!
5. Dartying.
When there is snow on the ground and school has been cancelled for the past week, you run out of things to do. When you live on or near a college campus almost everyone is within walking distance, so there is bound to be a darty (day party that normally involves bad decisions). We make room for the pong table in our living room, put some summer-feel music on and we party all day. We do this in the hopes that the drinks will warm us, but they inevitably leave us feeling just as cold and confused when surprisingly school is back in session the next day.
All-in-all winter sucks, but at least we have snow to give us a little bit of excitement!