Since 1975, "Saturday Night Live" has been an iconic, hilarious television show. For years now, I have enjoyed watching it, and there are several things that I especially like about the show.
1. The Cast
Each season, SNL provides an astounding cast to entertain its viewers. Many great comedians once began on SNL. The cast members always seem to have a great chemistry with one another that allows for the best possible show. From Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Eddie Murphy, and Adam Sandler to Rachel Dratch, Jane Curtin, Kenan Thompson, John Belushi, and many, many more.
2. The Hosts
Saturday Night Live never fails to have some of the best celebrities as host. Their opening dialogues are sure to be hits, and it is always great to see them act in the skits as well. Sometimes former cast members return to host, like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did with the most recent Christmas special.
3. The Musical Guests
SNL also always has a great musical guest each week who performs a popular song. I especially enjoy when the musical guest acts in some skits, or when the host does double duty as the musical guest as well. One of my favorites is Justin Timberlake.
4. The Weekend Update
This segment is one I look forward to each week. I especially enjoy how the anchors will take current news events and add a humorous spin to them. And, I like when different actors come out for different parts, such as Daniel Radcliffe portraying Casey Anthony's dog, or Bill Hader's recurring role as Stefon.
5. The Skits
Of course, the real reason I watch the show is for the fantastic skits. SNL does not hesitate to push the limits when it comes to any of the topics, especially politics and powerful figures in society. Their political skits are some of my favorites. I also love when you can see the cast members beginning to lose character because the material is just that funny; it makes it even funnier.
Whether I'm watching it live on Saturday nights or watching old reruns that are played on television throughout the day, I can always count on SNL to provide quality entertainment and a good laugh.