Mardi Gras Season is upon us, Southerners! Who doesn’t love this grand tradition that only a few states in the country actually celebrate? And by celebrate, I mean WORSHIP. Here are my top five reasons why Mardi Gras is loved by all.

How could I even start this list off with anything else?? King Cake is my favorite part of this time of year. The sweetness of the cake itself, plus the sweet icing, topped with delicious crunchy sprinkles in purple and green??
Swoon. Plus, the ever popular game of “Who can find the creepy miniature
baby doll?” Sure, it’s sort of a choking hazard, but us Southerners DO NOT
care. Be prepared to remember to buy the cake next year if you’re the lucky person who finds it.2. PARADES

The parades bring fun and excitement to basically every day of the week for the month of February. There’s a parade in practically every city of South Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Granted, they cause traffic to be INSANE this time of year, and you’re bound to find no parking. Yet the parade itself makes everything worth it. Be ready to catch toys, teddy bears, beads, and the always popular MOON PIES of South Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

With the parades comes the balls. What’s better than dressing to your finest, snagging a hot date, and partying down with friends and neighbors all night long? Ladies always enjoy the search of finding the beautiful gown in the best design and prettiest
color that she’ll wear a few short hours. Totally worth it. Mix in the fact that you get free drinks and food the entire night, and it’s pretty much becoming the best night out of the year.

One of my personal favorite things about this holiday is the huge dispute over which city is the true “creator” of Mardi Gras. There’s those that say since it started in Mobile, AL it’s a Mobile holiday. Then there are those who say that because New Orleans turned it into such a huge party scene, it’s New Orleans’ day. Either way, both cities have my thanks! Just don’t ever tell a Mobilian that Mardi Gras started in NOLA. We will fight you.

We won’t lie; the fact that Northerners don’t celebrate Mardi Gras makes it so much better for us. It’s OUR holiday. What’s yours? There’s nothing better than chatting with friends or family from up North and them being shocked that you have a few days (or even a week!) off of work or school. It makes me so happy!
So as this Mardi Gras season takes off, enjoy your favorite parts of this time of year! But, always be careful and safe!