I know you all like dogs better than cats, and truly it insults me when I say I like cats better than dogs by far and people act like I just said I was convicted of murder. Cats ARE better, and here is why I love them more than I love anything (other than family, friends, etc. :))
1. My cat
If you have seen my cat, you know that she is probably the cutest thing that has ever roamed the earth. She is a little gray and white tabby cat with the cutest face I just want to eat her. Yeah, some cats probably suck but my cat, Snowflake, is like Jessica Alba in kitten form.
2. They aren't gross.
Even though I say I like cats, better, does not mean I hate dogs; they are adorable. However, they are kinda gross if you think about it and you can not deny them no matter how gung ho you are for them.
3. They are sassy.
I need an animal in my life that has an equal amount of sass as me. Cats are me in animal form and I feel like I can not find my soul in a dog. My cat will just death stare me for hours on end and I should hate it and be offended but I actually love it. They have no interest in pleasing the human, they are so selfish but its kinda cool.
4. You don't really have to do much.
Dogs need to be bathed, taken outside on a leash, played with constantly, etc. Cats clean themselves and can go outside for days alone and come back (hopefully). All you have to do is feed them and make sure they don't die. Cats are simple people.
5. They are the funniest things
Have you ever seen a dog with a piece of bread on its head, or a compilation of a dog trying to jump onto something and falling? I mean maybe, but they are not as funny as the ones of cats. My cat will meow at me for 30 minutes until I feed her, and then I will put food in her bowl and she will just look at me and walk away, you don't get any sillier than that.