When I was finishing 8th grade, my mom told me that I had to join a team, get involved at the high school. At first I didn’t want to, I didn’t play any sports and I didn’t want to think about it. I ended up joining the Color Guard, in the Marching Band. Looking back now, that was one of my best decisions in high school
1. Friendships
The friendships that I made in Color Guard are amazing. The girls who are in the Color Guard with me are some of my best friends. We’ve gotten up at 4:30 in the morning together, and gotten home at 2am after a long day together. Because of Color Guard, I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime
2. Community
As a part of those friendships, we form our own community within the high school. Like any team, we become our own family. We spend 15+ hours a week together, practicing, having fun, working hard. Walking down the halls, I always see my Color Guard family. We’re our own community within the high school, bonded together by our love throwing weapons, flags, and batons in the air, while dancing and looking graceful. I’ve learned the difference between family and community. This community is the family that I chose to be a part of.
3. Responsibility
Because of the hours that we spend learning our show, I’ve learned how being responsible for myself can help others. If I do the wrong thing, or go to the wrong place, everything will look wrong. We each have to take responsibility for our own actions as they affect those around us.
4. Work Ethic
Because of the learned responsibility, I also gained a work ethic. To ensure that I knew my work and to help everyone move through the show, I practiced at home. At home, I could try things over and over until I got it right. At practice, all of our combined efforts made it easier to learn the show faster because no one was forgetting things at home. I learned that with hardwork, goals can always be reached
5. Time Management
With 15+ hours of Color Guard a week, I also learned how to manage my time. I couldn’t procrastinate when doing homework. If I did, I wouldn’t get much sleep. With the constant running to and from practice or school, I had to learn how to get everything done.
Joining Color Guard my freshman year was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I made amazing friendships, found a supportive community, increased my personal responsibility, increased my work ethic, and learned time management. I would be a very different person today if I hadn’t joined Color Guard. These are lessons and friendships that will last a lifetime, and I have Color Guard to thank for them.