I never once imagined that I would be in a sorority. I for sure never thought I would go through recruitment as a Junior. Why would I even join so late in the game? I am going to be graduating soon, but that didn't matter to me. I knew what I wanted, and I found my home with Alpha Delta Pi. I couldn't be happier.
These are five reasons why I am glad I went through recruitment.
1. I never go a day without someone in Greek life telling my hello.
When you go Greek, it is like you are holding a huge flashing sign. All of my sisters will tell me hey, even if we are not even close. If you wear your letters, the other sororities and fraternities will come up to you. It is what we do. You will never feel alone because there are so many people who know you due to your letters.
2. I found girls who love to eat just as much as I do.
Who knew so many girls love to eat! You will never have to go eat sushi alone, because so many other sisters will want to join you. It is a way we bond. Food and sisters. What more can a girl want?
3. I am accepted for who I am.
I was terrified my first semester of college. I was scared being around all of these new people, fearing that I wouldn't be accepted. It took me a long time to finally love myself, and when I did the confidence l gained led me to Alpha Delta Pi. My sisters love me for me. They don't care if I am a girly-girly or a tomboy. I couldn't be more grateful for finding so many girls who won't judge you for being you.
4. I found so many connections that I never would've made otherwise.
If you need a job or internship, more than likely one of your sisters know someone in that field. They are willing to help you just because you are sisters. They care and don't want to see anyone fail.
5. I learned it's okay to ask for help.
In Alpha Delta Pi, we live for each other. This is beyond true. You can have a day where everything goes wrong, but you won't have to go through it alone. You will ALWAYS have at least one person there for you. My sisters have been there for me since the moment I ran home to them on bid day. They don't care how small or how big the request is; someone will be there.
If you ever have doubts about going Greek, keep an open mind. I never once thought I would join a sorority, but it is honestly the best decision I made in college.