There's a lot of negative stigma with high school relationships and young love, but I think those are the most important relationships we will ever have because they shape how we will love in the future. My grandparents met in the 7th grade, got married at 18 and lasted my grandmother's whole life. Sometimes love happens early on for people.
1. You are the only person that knows what makes you happy.
If you fall in love and know in your heart that they are what makes you happy, then why the heck not?!?! Dating in high school is really tricky because you never know if someone actually loves you or just likes getting to call someone their "bae." However, you can meet someone, who genuinely cares about you and that is 100% worth pursuing.
2. You're at an age where you need someone to support you.
I don't mean like "sugar daddy" support; I mean someone to tell you you're beautiful when you're in sweatpants. If you grew up like me, chubby, then you probably have always been pretty self-conscience. I've always had trouble looking in the mirror and being ok with my reflection, but the second I say anything about it, my boyfriend gently presses his cheek against my lips and tells me I'm beautiful just the way I am. I think that's really important in this day and age. Everything is about being "thick" and having plump lips; It's nice to have someone there to calm your self-doubt.
3. You are both going through the awfulness that is school, so why not do it together?
I am a senior in high school and never have I ever been so ready to be done with a chapter of my life. However, I met my boyfriend doing drama at school, so it's really not all bad. It is nice to have someone there to test you on your study guide or help you cram for a vocabulary quiz. High school can be a very dark place for people and I think having someone there to say everything is gonna be ok is pretty important for students. Seriously, significant others make the best study buddies.
4. You will always have a good looking date for dances
If you're willing to date them, chances are you think they are pretty cute. Why not show them off at a school dance? You can both go have a blast together and get to show off your cute couple-ness. Also if you're anything like me, grinding scares the bejeebers out of you! So it was pretty nice to have a date that I could just tell I don't do that kind of stuff to and he was totally fine with it. Also, you will have a lit time because you won't be freaking out over whether your date is gonna leave you or not. They will stick by your side even when you embarrass them by dancing to "That's What I Like" by Bruno Marsa little too wildly. How could I not? That song is such a jam.
5. You only live once.
I know that's really dumb to say, but you only get one shot at life and its OK to let yourself truly feel emotions for someone. If you ever find a chance to find true happiness with someone, even if it's only briefly, let yourself love them. There is not enough time to hide your feelings or not say what needs to be said. I am 17 years old and I have found someone I truly love, who loves me in return. It may not last forever. We may end up together. Who the heck knows? All I know is this: I have never been happier than I am right now and it's because I let myself love someone.
Side note: Please don't date someone just to be in a relationship. We're all better than that.