To many people, Halloween is a night of costumes, parties, and a great time with friends. However, in reality, Halloween couldn't be further from my idea of fun. Now, I understand that some people have fond memories of Halloween, which allows them to acquire joy from the experiences of the holiday. Yet, despite my happy memories from the holiday, I can never seem to get past the uneasiness and annoyance that Halloween causes me year after year. So, here are five reasons why Halloween is literally the worst:
1. The women's costumes today are too uncomfortable and revealing.
Now-a-days, it seems that every costume for a female is meant to show off her body. What about the girls who don't want to walk around with half their bodies uncovered? What ever happened to dressing in a goofy costume just to collect a large amount of candy? Why does everything have to be so sexualized? Is it too much to ask to simply have a night to wear comfortable clothing and drown myself in candy wrappers? I don't think so.
2. Halloween is literally a holiday that is meant to scare the life out you.
I know some people get some kind of adrenaline rush from scary movies, ghost hunting, and experiences along those lines. I, on the other hand, do not wish to get my kicks by manifesting my worst fears. I would much rather spend that night watching something innocent and fun, like cartoons or chick-flicks. Why must we make everything that is sweet and innocent and turn it in to something violent and cringe-worthy? For example, I used to think clowns were funny, but now, I can't walk by a clown mask without jumping in fright, which is true for most of the world these days.
3. Children are exceptionally misbehaved.
Don't get me wrong. I love kids. I think it's cute watching the little children run around in their costumes, while they're eyes are filled with excitement and wonder. However, it seems to me that Halloween is a night where all the mean-spirited children like to run around and cause havoc, and are able to do so completely unrecognized. I've been kicked in the shin by multiple children on Halloween for no particular reason. It's bad enough I have to walk around for hours. I don't need children making that experience worse.
4. Halloween requires a ton of walking.
For those of us who don't exactly enjoy physical activity, trick-or-treating is not a particularly positive experience. Now, I enjoy getting candy, but the older you grow, the less candy you receive. The worst part is that no child knows exactly when they're too old to get a ton of candy on Halloween. We dress up fully expecting to make another killing on candy only to be disappointed when, after three hours of walking, we still haven't made a dent in what we expected.
5. I'm sick of wearing masks.
Maybe this idea is too deep when talking about a holiday meant for "fun", but I find it difficult to understand why people enjoy wearing masks all night when we clearly wear them all year round. When you look at it from this perspective, why would anyone find it fun to pretend to be someone else for a night? I mean, to some extent, we all wear masks in different situations. In retrospect, we really aren't doing anything new on Halloween night. We are wearing masks and costumes in order to have control over other people's perceptions of us. Why make a holiday out of this natural habit we all experience every day?