Everyone has those times in their life where they feel like they are going nowhere. I honestly see everyone in a relationship. I wonder if I am the odd one out saying that I am happy being single right now. I believe that this is the age to really focus on yourself and your career. Here are five reasons why I am happy being single!
5. There is always an opportunity to discover more about what you want and who you are.
4. You don't have to waste your time on calls and replying to long text messages.
3. You do not need to compromise anymore, it is all about what YOU want!
2. More time with your family and friends, You start to value other relationships more, rather than focusing on just one person.
1. No one can tell you what to do, you are free and open to do whatever you want.
Whether you just got out of a serious relationship or are getting into a relationship, just remember that being single isn't as bad as people make it seem like. You are your own person first. Treat yourself and respect yourself.