1.) It's Lonely.
You've always had a companion. You have always been A and B never just C, and now you have ended up with the big D(that's what she said) like me. You've depended on someone else to put a smile on your face and when faced to do it on your own, it's awkward and feels out of the comfort zone you're used too.
2.) All of your friends have these perfect relationships and are moving forward but your stuck going nowhere fast.
Here's the thing....You can't be happy with someone if you aren't happy with yourself. What if you meet the man of your dreams and he is absolutely perfect, but because you internally hate yourself, you push him away? You will never forgive yourself. Trust me.
3.) It takes patience and time.
Does anyone have patience anymore? Everything is given to us now, now , now!! Think about baking an apple pie, they take forever. If you take it out of the oven before time, you get this nasty,doughy, hard apple nothing. Alas, if you wait...Can we just talk about the gooey perfectness we get to indulge in over and over again! Be an apple pie, preferably A La Mode;)
4.) Fear controls everything at the beginning.
It's freaking terrifying. You are completely starting over and just hoping it turns out the way you hope and dream. Maybe instead of being fearful of how it won't work, hope it will equally as much. Hope is so much stronger than fear.
5.) Other people's voices are louder than your own.
I'm not sure why, but we tend to look for answers and reassurance from everyone else but ourselves. It's more comforting to know that someone else agrees with the decisions you are making whether right or wrong. It's super easy to tell yourself to shut up and keep doing what they say, after all they like you for it. No one gets hurt. Oh, you're wrong. You do, especially when you wake up one day and everyone around you is gone and you have nothing.
It's so easy to conform and do what the world around is doing. Be different. You never know who is watching and waiting for that little spark of encouragement.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”- Dr. Suess
I have found that I am Beyonce. Always. There is nothing happier than that;)
Slay away the day!