1. She disrespects her mom.
This is the person that gave birth to her, let that sink in.
2. She thinks to be on porn sites and that porn scandal was a smart idea.
Sorry but no. There is no reason to have done that when she was already making good money from MTV. Plus, she has a daughter. Why would she want her daughter to grow up and think that kind of stuff is okay? I would never do that to my own, but we all parent differently.
3. She treated the MTV producers like complete crap.
Hit them, called them names, didn’t try to listen to anything they had to say, didn’t respect them whatsoever. I mean, they are the reason your name is even out there. Why disrespect someone that gave you a huge check?
4. She kept nudes of her daughter! Seriously, freaking gross.
Basically child pornography there, but hey, whatever. I just don’t agree with letting your daughter grow up at such a young age to have a phone, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat at like 6-8 years old. That’s just mind blown. I was outside, making mud pies at that age. She has let her daughter wear actual makeup, skip school, etc. I honestly hope that little girl doesn’t turn out anything like her. It’s sad.
5. She makes her daughter believe that fame and looks matter.
Money doesn’t buy happiness and looks does not matter. There are plenty of people out there that hates how they look but also make good money and are truly happy with themselves. I don’t look like a million bucks nor do I make that much money, but I am honestly truly happy with myself, my life, and my wallet.