Going Greek is a hard decision for any girl to make when going into college. The time when you begin your college journey can be a hectic one to say the least. Nobody knows exactly what to expect. All you have to go off of is what you’ve heard from other people whether it be friends, family or online. Each experience is unique and some might be better than others. You should take all the stories and tips everyone says into consideration, but in the end you must decide for yourself if going Greek is something you truly want to do. So here are five reasons why every girl should go Greek.
1. The first reason is the most important: going Greek gets you out of your comfort zone.
Getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing everything college has to offer is the main reason why any college student goes off to school. Once you join this Greek world, you have so many activities and events to experience. There are semi-formals, formals, bid days, volunteer opportunities and chapter bonding times. Not only do you have all of those sorority-specific events, but sororities are also involved with your college campus activities.
2. Choosing a sorority allows you to find a group of girls you really connect with.
You’ve probably heard a million times that if you join a sorority you’re paying for your friends. That is the biggest lie you’ll ever hear. When you pick the sorority for you, you are picking which group of girls shares the same views on life and whom you bond with the most on a personal level. Sororities give you life-long friendships!
3. Greek life gives you a shoulder to lean on at all times.
Being in a sorority gives you friends that are always there for you and know what you’re going through. They are most likely going through the same college hardships. The instant you choose, you automatically have your entire sorority right there with you rooting you on to accomplish whatever goals you have or to pull you through your struggles.
4. A sorority gives you a place to call home at your college.
Going away to college, whether it be right down the road, a couple hours away or in another state, can be scary. You’re doing something you’ve never done before, and you most likely don’t know anyone there. Joining a sorority can solve that problem quickly. Finding the right sorority for you is like finding your home away from home. You will have a place to go whenever you need it and a group of girls who stand by you through everything.
5. You'll gain leadership and life skills.
Not only is joining a sorority good for your involvement within your school, but it can help you tremendously after college. Being involved with such a large group of people can help with your social skills, time management skills and leadership skills. All three of those can help you in any life situation, whether it be an internship, studying abroad or your career.
You may not know exactly what you want to get involved in when you head off to college, but I highly recommended you look into going through your school’s recruitment. Joining Greek life can bring so much joy and fun times into your life. You never know where it might take you!