So as you may know, there are currently five stages of grief for any typical liberal that consists of the following:
1. Denial: #NotmyPresident
"Hey Siri, who won the 2016 election?"
"OMG This can't be right! something must of went wrong. I'm truly sickened by the results. How could you America? How could you elect a racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, islamophobic, deplorable man.
2. Anger: #TrumpProtest
"The Government is gonna give us Free Education and Fight for a $15 wage, the American people were gonna get CHANGE with Hillary *Cries to self* "We are gonna stay on welfare and make the hardworking people pay for it so they can provide us with healthcare....It's a human right and Trump is gonna take it away. He'll ruin everything. So let's set fire to property and start a riot maybe then it'll change the outcome of the election!"
*Gasps for air*
Oh and let's get rid of the Electoral College because after all it is NOT fair and it is racially biased.
Wait a minute these are the people that are paid by radical leftist George Soros, a Jewish business man with over 20 organizations that turned in his own people to the Nazis during World War II. He's the epitome of evil and goes by the phrase "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work." And yet the media refuses to reveal his evil schemes and how he destroyed the economy in Thailand and yet made millions off of their economy. We were not destined for any kind of change with Hillary, it would simply be another 4 years of Obama. Which is not much change at all!
3. Bargaining #Recount2016 < this is where we are at now!
"I demand a recount in 3 pivotal states where Hillary Clinton clearly won. Something went wrong, someone hacked into the system. She won those states fair and square."
Okay lets add to the debt and waste millions of taxpayers dollars on something that won't even influence a different outcome; these liberals don't understand that spending money will not fix a problem; they are adding to the problem by adding to the debt instead spending money on practical things.
4. Depression: _______
5. Acceptance
So you're saying that Jill Stein has teamed up with the Clinton campaign and raised millions of dollars demanding for a recount in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? Hah, Wait a minute! You guys are really adamant in the fact that it will overturn Trump's presidency but she has already conceded this election. Let's resume to the third presidential debate when Hillary responded to the fact that Trump would not accept the results of this election:
"That is not the way our democracy works, we have been around 240 years. We've had free and fair elections, we've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them and that's what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. I'm appalled that somebody who is a nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position."
But clearly you didn't accept the results since you want a recount in three swing states after you conceded the election. Huh?
Not to mention the fact that leftists want to get rid of the electoral college since it is outdated and not fair for all Americans. So what is the Electoral College?"
"A body of people representing each state in the United States, their job is to formally cast votes for the election of the president."
Getting rid of the EC huh? We can't do that and I will refute you and tell you that they are wrong! the main problem is that most schools and colleges do not properly teach the purpose of the Electoral College and why it bests serves us as a nation. But here is why we need it:
1. If it was based on the popular vote then the voice of most states would not be heard; It gives smaller states a voice.
This means if the electoral college were abolished that it would give more power to the metropolitan areas, meaning that the states with the highest populations would get a bigger voice when it comes down to the outcome of the presidential elections.
So Johnny why does California get 55 Electoral votes?
"Well they assign the number of electors to each state, California has 2 Senators and 53 House members that have to vote for the president."
"Ok, and why do we have it?"
"So that every state matters, so people aren't just campaigning in the urban areas like Chicago and New York. It gets people to focus on the rural areas where there are farms and coal mines and where there is oil and gas."
"Yep, you are correct, smaller states get a say, it gives everyone a fair representation so we focus on all states instead of just California and New York."
2. Getting rid of it goes against the Constitution (Hello Article 2 of the Constitution...Should we just ignore that?!)
It is stated in the Constitution under Article 2 Section 1. It is the compromise our Founding Fathers established between the election of the president through Congress and through the popular vote of the people. Although our Founding Fathers wanted the US citizens to have a say, they feared that a tyrant could have a big influence on public opinion and rule the nation (these were the concerns addressed in the Federalist Papers). The idea was that a group of electors would make sure that a qualified person becomes president. So they wanted to create a system that is fair for every state. However, our Fathers didn't want a direct election where the people got to decide the outcome every election; they feared a true democracy and an overly powerful executive system. In fact, they worked very hard NOT to create a democracy. So they used the Articles of Confederation and Constitution to frame a Republic. Saying we should get rid of the Electoral College goes against our Founding Fathers ideologies and principles for creating a balance of power between the government and the people.
3. Provides Candidates focus!
Therefore, your power as an individual voter is far greater in a divided election than in a direct election. This forces candidates to win not only the majority but the super-majority. So in addition to winning a majority of individual votes, they must also win a majority of votes in a majority of the states or larger states. All things considered, It gives way for candidates to organize their campaigns. In other words, they know the sway that each state has, and how much time to spend campaigning there.
4. Represents the country as a cohesive whole.
It encourages a two-party system by making it tougher for each candidate to gain votes making it fairer. If we didn't have the Electoral College the larger states- that vote primarily blue- would win every time. Is that really fair? There is no actual proof that it's racially biased; the only reason the leftists say this is to reverse the decision of the presidency because whenever they lose they FAIL to accept it. Well that's not gonna happen, we the people got change; it's about time! We are sick and tired of the same policies. The Electoral College actually enhances the status of minority groups by increasing the participation. Just think about it, the voters of the smaller minorities in a state can make the difference between winning the whole states electoral votes or none of the states electoral votes at all. Changing to a direct election would actually hurt minorities interests since their votes would be heavily intimidated by a national popular vote.
5. It uses a two-party political system.
The purpose is so we have candidates that appeal to the nation as a whole. While some political activists are not in favor of the two parties- Democrat and Republican- this has created more stability for both parties. This allows candidates to create a generalized platform rather than focusing on specific issues by forcing candidates and platforms toward the middle of the political spectrum. A two- party system often develops in a plurality voting system.
The reason why leftists love getting rid of the electoral college is because they usually get all the majority city votes since the urban areas vote mostly Democratic. When their candidate loses they find it unfair and want to abolish it. That's a typical leftist for you. It's all based on emotions and fantasy instead of looking at the logic and reasoning. Don't let the mainstream media brainwash you into believing that our Founding Fathers ideologies should be revoked.