I drink it. You drink it. Your parents and grandparents drink it. But the real question is, what company serves it best? The answer my friend, is Dunkin' Donuts. Yup, that's right. I said it. Dunkin' beats Starbucks's overpriced lack of coffee having whipped cream topped sugar juice any day.
It’s. Real. Coffee.
Dunkin will serve you a cup of COFFEE with some flavored syrup and cream. Starbucks serves you a cup of “coffee” with several different milks and flavoring and whipped cream and you don’t even know what you’re getting. Dunkin gives you real coffee that tastes like what do you know... coffee!
It’s cheap! $$
While I’ve paid $6 for a 16oz, sorry I mean grande, cup of sugar, I only ever spend at max $3 for a giant cup of real coffee that isn’t 80% ice 10% whipped cream and only 10% “coffee”. Dunkin knows just how to make the perfect cup, usually for less than half the price!
What could possibly go better with a cup of joe than a nice soft donut? Nothing! Cops have it right, a donut with your coffee is the only way to go!
No long lines.
I have never waited longer than a couple minutes at Dunkin. Whereas at Starbucks, I have on several occasions waited 15-20 minutes JUST in line before even ordering my drink! Whether it’s the drivetru or I go inside, Dunkin always has me in and out before I have a chance to get cranky from lack of caffiene.
You choose your ingredients.
At Dunkin, you tell the barista what you want, what flavor, sweetener, etc. and they make you the perfect cup. At Starbucks, you’re almost forced to just choose a pre organized list of ingredients that are mostly not coffee, and hope you like what you get. And, if you need to substitute an ingredient they charge you an arm and a leg!
No matter where you get your caffeine fix, we all know that one day coffee, will solve all of the worlds problems. It's just facts.