According to a survey done by the National Coffee Association, about 83% of adult Americans drink coffee every day. It's the American dream. So why do people tell me that I drink too much coffee, as if it is a bad thing? And if it's so bad, why do so many people go through their life loving coffee? After some research, I'd like to throw some facts back at these haters. Coffee can actually be very good for you!
1. Coffee can help with Alzheimer's and dementia.
Alzheimers is an incurable disease, but there are ways to help prevent it. Most people look to exercise and healthy eating, but studies such as this one show that those who drink coffee have up to a 65% lower chance of getting the disease.
2. Coffee can make you feel happier.
The National Institute of Health says that people who drink four or more cups a day are 10% less likely to be depressed. It's not because of the caffeine that you receive when you ingest coffee, but rather the antioxidants that you receive.
3. Coffee reduces your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
A study done by The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 50%.
4. It can relive your pain.
The Journal of Pain writes that drinking 2 cups of brewed coffee after a workout can help alleviate muscle pain by up to 48%.
5. Coffee can help protect against cirrhosis of the liver.
Multiple studies show that (if you don't want to cut down on alcohol intake) coffee, even decaffeinated, lowers you liver enzyme levels.