It is about that time of year again where high school seniors begin rushing from boutique to boutique and planning the perfect promposal. Prom is definitely a night to remember, but the process leading up to it is one that I’m glad I’ll never have to endure again. Here are five reasons I do not miss the “prom process."
1. The Dress
Finding the perfect gown to flaunt on prom night is of course a huge priority, but the perfect dress is never easy to find. I remember spending more than one night hauling dresses in and out of a crowded dressing room. While trying on these gowns multiple thoughts raced through my head. Will someone have the same one? Will this fit in five months? Could I find something better? Then of course there is the price tag...this dress is how much??? At the end of it all I found a dress that I loved without emptying my wallet, but the stress and work that was exerted to find this said dress is one reason I’m glad I won’t be attending Prom this year.
2. The Date
This could be the most overrated part of prom. During my senior year, I watched girls frantically obsess over who would be escorting them on their special night. My high school was one that for the most part followed tradition: the guy asks the girl. Despite a few people deviating from this norm, most girls decided to sit around and wait for a guy (or two) to give them an offer. This seems simple enough if it wasn’t for these girls also expecting a larger than life “promposal." Some girls were left scrambling for a last minute date due to a prince charming that never came or even one that ditched last minute. The pressure and anxiety that comes from waiting for someone to ask you can be avoided very easily. Ask a close guy friend or even go with a group of your close girl friends! My date to my prom was neither of these, and although I did have a good time, I believe asking a friend or a few is better than going with someone who won’t be relevant within a year of graduation, and you will probably have more fun with those closest to you anyway.
3. The Table
Those who have attended prom know that table arrangements are very important. It crucial to those attending that they sit with their closest friends. If you have a large friend group or belong to various, it can be hard to condense everyone (plus their dates!) to fit at a table that normally fits between only 8-12 people. Deciding where and who to sit with at prom becomes a struggle for some like myself who did not want to leave anyone out while also not wanting to be one of the ones left out. On the other side of the spectrum were students dealing with the occasional high school scandal and/or social media brawl that left them a bit reluctant to sit with or near certain peers. But when prom night actually came around people were barely in their seats. It didn’t even matter! The tables were only there for the meals and the heels! For those who may encounter table arrangement stress, don’t sweat it! If table arrangements don’t become a stress for you then I’m happy for you, but personally it is one thing I do not miss about the weeks leading up to prom.
4. The Hair and Makeup
Prom hair and makeup is one (expensive) important factor when it comes to a girl completing her prom night look. Yet the decisions, trials, and the 400 bobbi pins makes this one part of prom I do not miss. Of course I loved the way that everything looked altogether and how the pictures turned out, but the transformation was exhausting. I remember sitting in a chair for at least two hours as a lady or two worked their magic and spending probably the same amount of time washing my face and searching for those last few pins like a needle in a hair-sprayed hay stack. So ladies, yes hair and makeup is the cherry for your prom sundae, but I sure do not miss the scalp-burning and pore suffocation that accompanies prom night glitz.
5. The After-Prom
If prom night didn’t require enough preparation, some friend groups scrambled around for an “After Prom” arrangement. After Proms usually consist of teenagers piling into cheap hotel rooms or houses to party a few days after the event. Deciding who would be in whose room and finding a place that would let seventeen and eighteen year old kids basically trash their property was a gigantic undertaking. Plus most places aren’t cheap! Everything was eventually settled, but only after a few canceled hotel rooms and roommate swaps. My after-prom was definitely one of the biggest highlights of my senior year, but the journey to a successful After Prom can often have some bumps that I’m glad I’m not hitting this year.
Although a successful prom does require a lot of work, it is a night that most never forget. Prom should be a night to a celebrate a chapter coming to a close with friends that made your high school experience one of a kind. To those who plan on attending prom this year, try not to stress the small stuff! Enjoy the months leading up to prom, because they are also the last of your high school career. And finally, when the preparation is complete and the night has come, have an amazing (and safe!) time!