I love Disney more than basically anyone.
All these adults keep telling me Disney is for kids, but are they really right? I've given you the best reasons why Disney is really for adults.
1. Disney Bounding
I don’t know if you know about Disneybounding but y'all need to learn. Not only do you get to dress like your favorite character but you can add your own personal flare. Caleigh Allen has one of my all-time favorite outfits. Every time she posts something on her Instagram (@Caleighallen) I am beyond blown away. The way she combines vintage style with her choice of character is thrilling.
2. Drinking Around the World
Epcot has all the countries in the park. I feel like this one is pretty self explanatory. Get drunk at Disney!
3. Celebration trips
Kids always want to celebrate their birthdays at Disney. WELL HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU. IT’S EVEN BETTER WHEN YOU'RE AN ADULT. Not only do you get to actually remember the trip but you can plan it. I know, thrilling. But you see, now you can go on all the "big kid rides" without children??? If you want to ride the teacups 6 times in a row because its your graduation, Do. It. Want to eat 2 turkey legs, shoot you're getting married Do. It. Let your birthday be as fun as my twentieth!
4. Attractive people?!?!
Literally, they are everywhere.
5. Mickey Ears
The best part is you can customize them to basically anything you want. I have Star Wars, Snow White, The Good Dinosaur, and Rapunzel.
P.S. I am Not Immature
So hey Coworker/ distant relative/ potential boo, that's just seen my Instagram photo basically of me crying meeting Pooh bear, I have something to tell you. Just because I am out living my best life, reliving my childhood while you're stuck in your 5X5 apartment doesn't mean you get to write passive aggressive comments such as "oh grow up". I just don't get how me having endless fun at a theme park makes me immature. If I can go to a theme park and listen to screaming kids all day and not have a hissy fit, I think I am pretty mature.