When applying for colleges, you often have to decide if you are going to apply for the honors program at your selected university. For many it's an easy decision, based on your high school career; for me it wasn't that simple. Here are 5 reasons why I chose to not apply for the honors program at Belmont University.
1. I didn't feel a need to prove myself anymore.
In high school, I pushed myself to keep up academically. It was a part of my identity. It's true that they say college is a clean slate. It doesn't matter where you came from, because no matter where it was, we are all here now. So when I came to Belmont University, I didn't feel like I needed that extra label as the honors kid. I didn't feel the need to prove myself to anyone around me. We all got into the same school, and that was enough for me. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with the honors program but I personally wanted to let myself relax and let that label fall off me as I moved into a new phase of my life.
2. I wanted to relax
Growing up, so many people told me that the 4 years I spend in college will be the best years of my life. College was put on a pedestal, to be the highlight of my social life. I knew because of that I did not want to spend every second of my 4 years here studying. Even without being a part of honors, I am working in all my classes so I am happy with my choice to not add that extra stress to my 4 year career here.
3. The perks of honors did not outweigh the cons
The honors program here means that they do not have to take the general education courses, but have a certain number of honors classes they have to take a semester. It really is a great program and the major problem I see with it is that as a music major I do not need extra classes every semester. Without honors I can finish my GenEd classes by the end of my sophomore year and then focus on my degree, thus giving me more time to focus on my music and my future career.
4. I wanted to focus on my future
Honors allows a great thing for my resume, that is true. But so would interning or a research project. Both things I might have time for on this track that I might not have if I were to take the honors track. Overall I think that I can get out of my time here by spending more time in a practice room or researching the newest music therapy techniques being used in the field.
5. I'm lazy
I know myself. I am lazy most of the time. There are times after classes where I just want to crawl into my tiny bed and sleep for the rest of the day. I know that part of me didn't apply for honors because it means that during the application process you have to write an extra essay and I probably was too lazy to write that other essay before I submitted that application. It's okay to understand yourself well enough and choose your health over pushing yourself too hard for too long.
Overall I'm okay with my decision to not apply for honors. It may be for some people and I'm not one of them. No matter what anyone else ever says, I'm happy that I did do what I thought and didn't let anyone else make the decision for me. So my point is, apply for the honors program or don't, just make sure you know why you are doing so.