We all have our preference when it comes to pets. Some people prefer the companionship and loyalty that comes with a dog. Some people love the low-maintenance aspect of owning fish, birds, or reptiles. Then there are the cat people. The people who invite an animal into their home knowing fully well that it will only make existence harder. On occasion cats do offer affection and a small bit of return for your care, but mostly they just demand attention when they want it, food when they want it, and alone time when they want it. As a cat person I can confirm that cats are pretty terrible, but occasionally they can make it worth the trouble.
1. Cats Like Warmth
This very general fact actually does have a payoff. Since cats love to be warm, that means more often than not that they will come cuddle you when you're laying down to sleep! Sure it's because they're trying to steal your warmth, but it's still nice nonetheless.
2. Cats Love to Play
Cats enjoy playing! If you're ever in need of some quick entertainment, all you need to do is throw any small object in the general vicinity of your cat and watch the chaos ensue.
3. Cats Like Bugs
Cats enjoy playing, even if it's with the life of another living creature. This sounds horrible, and it is, but it means less pesky insects you have to deal with! Cats are happy to snack on those tiny home invaders.
4. Cats Clean Themselves
And they clean themselves a lot. While the constant licking may get annoying at times, they payoff is that you don't have to clean them yourself nearly as often as one may think.
5. Cats Will Love You
...Eventually. It may take some time for a cat to warm up to you, but once it does the bond is unbreakable. There is no love quite like a cat's, so once that love is earned it really is great!