If you have a friend who is a dancer you're probably sick of them casually falling into a pose every time you guys hang out. Yes, they are an embarrassment in public, but that is only because their life has been taken over by something much larger than themselves and they just cannot get enough. So here are a few reasons why dance is the best thing ever.
1. It disciplines you for life.
And I mean holistic discipline. It disciplines your lifestyle, your body and most importantly your mind. Once you immerse yourself in this art form, you will come out on the other side a much stronger person.
2. You automatically become more expressive
Dance itself is a form of expression through movement. As a result you learn to express yourself better using fewer words in your day-to-day interactions. Always a good thing!!
3. It is an amazing work-out!
Learning to control your body and mind is no easy feat. Therefore once you develop the correct stance, every time you dance you are working out your arms, legs, core, back, biceps, sides, triceps all at the same time while also doing some rigorous cardio! Seriously, why are you paying for expensive gym membership? Enroll in a dance class now!
4. You learn respect and humility
While I cannot speak for western dance traditions, at least in the Indian Classical tradition, your Guru, your teacher, is almost God. As a result you receive invaluable guidance from someone who has been a part of this tradition for a long time. This guidance is not only about how to dance, but also in matters relating to one's personal and spiritual life.
5. You develop a brand of spirituality that is entirely your own
Performing is, in many ways, an intensely personal experience. While this may seem like a paradox, believe me when I say that oftentimes dancers are looking out for that one rare moment when they connect with something much larger and beyond this world. When your muscle-memory takes over and your mind shuts out all distractions one develops an odd sense of peace. This peace swirls together with the intense adrenaline of performing to give rise to a unique spiritual connection that is humbling to say the least. In those rare moments, while you are all decked-up in front of audience, you become absolutely naked in the face of God. It is for this rare moment that dancers will keep dancing and those on the outside will never understand.
So if you're not immersed in this tradition yet, time to get started on that!