America seems to be built upon the idea of sports. In my house, baseball and football constantly battle it out for top-spot on the TV guide, and tennis comes up a close third. What isn't generally recognized in conversation is Crew. This underrated sport has done its part in bringing together people from all walks of life, and uniting us towards a common goal. It's a sport like any other, but here's why it's the best.
1. Terminology
Crew, like any sport, has its own special terminology that can turn anyone around in circles. It's some of these Crew quirks that make you unsure if you should laugh or cry at the confusion they instill.
Everything's counted in 2. "In two, wane off!"
Do an "erg piece" -- 2k+10 at 26 rating.
Coxswains (pronounced "cox-ins").
Do you row sweep or scull?
By the way, the fiberglass composite boat is called a "shell".
2. Pain
Every erg and on-the-water workout is an experience--and after the first 2k (supposedly equal in intensity to playing back-to-back basketball games), you're beyond ready to take a break. Between these workouts, strength training, and yoga-you-kind-of-not-really-do, it's not a surprise that you can barely bend your legs when you wake up in the morning. (Sitting on a low chair is interesting!)
And of course, let's not forget the infinite amount of blisters on our hands.
Maybe it's part of the "Athlete Mentality", but after long enough without the pain, you start to feel unproductive.
Is that wrong?
3. Coxswains
Your cox is the only person in the boat that doesn't row. That would annoy you, except she (or he) doesn't only tell each seat when to start rowing, when to stop, or when each should "add in" with the others. (S)he also keeps track of your rating, the boats in front of and behind you, and watches you.
You don't realize it, but your cox knows you a heck of a lot better than you think. As much burning hatred as you might feel for your coxswain when she's screaming in your ear with reminders to PUSH with your legs and BREATHE every four seconds, it pays off.
When you're done and greeted by the sight of your water bottle and the best time you've ever achieved, your cox is your all-time favorite person.
So, thanks.
We Love You, Coxswains! Even when it doesn't seem like it.
4. T.E.A.M
Simply put, there is nothing better than your Crew TEAM. In and outside of practices and regattas are filled with the ultimate in support, encouragement, and teasing! Your Crew stands behind you in helping you improve--for yourself and the Team as a whole. No question is stupid. Well, it might be, but it'll be answered anyway! Every improvement gets a cheer, every slip gets help to move forward. Your team also fuels your competitive fire...against your 'mates in the erg room and competitors on the water. Who will you out-row this time? Will you place first and throw your cox in the water, just because it's a time-honored Crew tradition no one knows the origin of?
5. Your Lifelong Love
Even if you were literally the least sports-inclined person in existence (trust me, I was), this sport gets you hooked. The proof is in the variety of rowers at every regatta! Just a few times out on the water and you yearn to be back out. (These winter months are TOUGH!) Crew starts you on the right path, and although it might've started only as the idea of trying something new, this is a path of true love that leads you through years to come.