Listen up college students! We may be young. I understand that we are just entering the world of adulthood. However, within the next few years we will be beginning our futures. The future of owning a home, getting married, or even starting a business will soon be upon us.
Do you feel like your vote does not count? Or if it is even worth the time and energy to vote? We may be entering adulthood, but this election will affect our future. Here are 5 reasons why college students should vote.
1. It is your right to vote!
Rights were never given to us. No matter what background or ancestry, many people fought for our right to vote. This is our way of recognizing those who fought for our rights that we have today. Fun Fact: You can always choose to vote as an independent, which means you do not lean toward a specific political affiliation. This leaves out the pressure of siding with one specific political party. Plus, there is no need to worry this can be a secret between you and the ballot.
2. Your voice will be heard.
Believe it or not, most of the people that vote are over 50 years old. Healthcare and treating the elderly are always the central point. When student loans, educational standards, and admission policies are on the ballot, we are the most qualified people to vote. We need to speak up now, which is better than not saying anything at all.
3. You have the power to change our country.
I know this may be a little difficult to fathom, but think about it. This is our chance to change the world. Our futures of being teachers, or nurses, or lawyers really do lie on the policies that the government enforces. Why should we settle for what we have right now when our vote can tremendously influence what we can obtain in the next few years.
4. We are the focal point in the voter population.
Have you noticed that presidential campaign ads are now beginning to discuss college education? This is in an attempt to attract us with their offers for free college education and reduction of student loans.They are trying to get us to vote for our rights as students. They value our input. Our votes can impact and even swing the voter count
5. Your vote will influence your future.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to vote. Our future depends on what the government offers us in terms of who will be elected as the next president. Each candidate has their own proposals and plans for the future in store for when he/she is elected. We need to vote for the one that has our best interests at heart. Your vote matters, whether it will be immediate or long-term. Who you choose is up to you, but keep in mind where you see yourself in the next few years.
Please Vote!
Trust me when I say that your vote matters, it really does! This is part of being an adult. Your vote can make a statement on where you want to be for the next few years. We can begin preparing our future just by checking off one person's name on a ballot. That one person you decide on is the one that will do everything in his/her power to make America a better place for all of us! So go out there and vote!
Here is a link to get you started on the voting and registration process!