Your closet is a mess. You literally go in your closet and get instantly frustrated. Decluttering and reorganizing your closet may be the best option for you. It can be frustrating going into your closet with a bunch of clothes that are not appealing to you. Don’t be afraid to throw out some of the items you haven't worn in a long time. If you don’t love it, get rid of it. I know some clothes have sentimental value, but if you haven’t worn the item in at least three years, you may want to let it go. Here is what to do first: Throw out the clothes you have not worn in the past 3 years. Then, reorganize your closet in color coordination.
You can’t fit into some of your clothes. Your clothes maybe too big or too small. If you cannot wear some of your clothes, what is the use of keeping them? I do understand clothes can be sentimental, but they are just taking up space and causing frustration. Here is what to do first: Try on the items that may be too big or too small. If you don’t absolutely love how you look in them, you may want to get rid of them.
Your clothes are from the 80s. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE vintage, but I’m talking about you maybe holding on to clothes that you don’t like anymore or are just out of style. I say keep the timeless items and let go of the trendy items. Yes, the bellbottom jeans are coming back, but do they look in style or out of style? An example of timeless items are your collared white shirt or your classic blue jeans. An example of a trendy item is a mini cardigan or those square-toed shoes (yikes, please toss these). Here is what to do first: Go through the clothes that are old school and put them in a garbage bag to donate. You could be giving someone their next Halloween costume.
You never know what to wear. The true statistic is people only wear 20 percent of their wardrobe. Do you wear the same seven outfits in rotation? Or do you wear your favorite tights and yoga pants weekly? Reorganizing your closet can truly be the best gift to yourself. Here is what to do: Organize your closet to a way that makes you smile when you open up your closet door because you absolutely love your clothes.
You don’t have enough room to buy new items. I have a confession---this was me! I was keeping my new clothes in my closet and I bought storage bins to put my old clothes in. It wasn’t until I moved that I got rid of most of my clothes. I had 12 heavy duty xxl trash bags to give away (yes, 12). This was a major relief for me! I moved into my new closet with clothes I truly adore. Here is what to do: Once you have sorted all of your clothes, it is highly recommended to donate your items to a local GoodWill or a place that take clothing donations.
Cheers to no more hoarding!