I love Christmas.
1. Jesus birthday.
Its the day we celebrate the man who literally made the ultimate sacrifice and died for our sins. Christmas is a big day because its the day we get to be extra thankful for our savior.
2. Christmas lights.
Name a prettier time of the year? I'll wait. Driving around and looking at pretty lights is the best thing ever and it feels so magical.
3. Christmas movies.
The Elf movie? The Grinch? It is finally acceptable to watch all of our favorite movies and for me to laugh at the same jokes on the elf movie every single time I watch it.
4. Baking.
It's the one time of the year that its acceptable to do an unnecessary amount of baking. Baking with your friends and family is so fun.
5. The world slows down.
Although some people still have to work, the world slows down on Christmas and everyone just takes a second to spend time with their family.