In today's society, competition is everything. What I mean by everything is that it exists in every part of our existence. Competition to be on top, to get the highest GPA, to have the best job -- the list goes on and on. Job competition seems to be the most prominent issue in America's society and culture nowadays -- work, work, work until you drop dead. Why would we want to work ourselves to death instead of enjoying it? We seem to be the only culture that thinks this way. In Italy, a job is only a small aspect of your life to support yourself financially. They have minimal work days and focus on enjoying life rather than wasting it. For me, I have no clue why America has not adopted this idea since it makes no sense not to.
When choosing what someone wants to do, the decision that makes or breaks it seems to be looking at the income rather than what someone is truly passionate about. Why are we torturing ourselves to choose careers we hate that make the most income, when we will have no time to even spend it on what we enjoy? Who said life had to be all work, no play?
I used to be in this exact situation: Going for something that I was interested in for mostly the money, and ignoring what I truly would love to do. After just one semester of college, I realized that if I hated my classes and dreaded going to them now, then I doubt I will enjoy doing something like this for the rest of my life. Where is the fun in that?
From personal experience, here at 5 reasons why it is worth it to go for the love of your passion rather than the love of your bank account:
1. You will be more successful at what you do
You usually choose a career that you excel in, right? Why wouldn’t you? So many young adults going to college strive to become a doctor, a lawyer, or a CEO of a major corporation just for the idea of being super rich. Not so easy is it? Exactly.
2. Money can't buy happiness
Yes, with more money you can buy more things, but things are just things. Money can’t buy people in your life, money can’t buy you love, money can’t make you happy. What you love to do will make you happy, who you go home to at night will make you happy, the things you accomplish with your life will make you happy. Happiness simply cannot be bought.
3. Money will end up not mattering
If you think about it, Money is completely worthless. Wouldn’t you rather take memories with you to your grave rather than nothing? Money won’t end up mattering in the end, but your happiness will.
4. You will feel like you have purpose
You were put on this earth to do amazing things. You are good at something for a reason. You weren’t given artistic abilities to become a doctor. Why force it on yourself? You will feel like you are contributing to the world in a positive way. It feels good to be good at something. Plain and simple!
5. You will never work a day in your life
Living should not be classified as all work, no play. Life should be lived. What’s a life without that? Finding something you love to do makes it more of a hobby rather than a chore. Do it with passion or not at all.
Life is simply meant to be lived. Find something you are passionate about. Pursue it. Have a dream you want to fulfill? Go after it. Cinderella meant what she said about your dreams meaning something. Your heart makes that wish and it is meant to be chased after. You will never know if you don’t try. Take my advice before it is too late. You don’t want to be wondering what could have been one day and regretting the choices you have made. It was hard to go with what I am passionate about, but I have not regretted my decision ever since.