Over the past couple years, I have made it my goal to go camping as much as possible between late Spring and early Fall. After a long work week, it is so refreshing to escape to the woods for the weekend and get away from the stresses of everyday life. I've talked to so many people who claim that camping isn't their "thing," but I still urge everyone I know to try it at least once a year. Here's why:
1. Your body absorbs significantly more Vitamin D while camping.
A lot of people don't understand how important Vitamin D is for your body. Studies have shown that it can help fight depression, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and even some forms of cancer. When you're camping, even if you're sleeping in a tent or RV, you're forced to spend almost the entire day outside under the sun. After being stuck inside for class or work throughout the week, your body will appreciate that Vitamin D intake more than you know.
2. Many of the activities you'll do are great exercise.
I don't exercise. Going to the gym is a hassle to me, and a lot of the time I can't find the motivation to work out. The awesome thing about camping is that a lot of the activities you'll do will double as a work out. Hiking, swimming, walking to get water, and even setting up the campsite provide me with a better work out than any gym membership ever has.
3. It can usually fix any problems you have with your sleeping schedule.
I have this issue where I stay awake until 3 A.M., wake up for work or class early in the morning, and then desperately need a nap partway through the day. My sleep schedule is not normal and hasn't been for a long time. Camping, however, allows me to hit factory reset on it and gets me back to normal for at least a few weeks. In 2013, the University of Colorado Boulder did a study and found that sleeping away from artificial light helped reset circadian rhythms and made people less groggy. Abiding by the sun's schedule makes it easier for your body to go to bed and wake up at reasonable times.
4. It decreases depression and anxiety.
Studies have shown that green spaces can decrease depression by up to 71%. The outdoors are crucial for your mental health, and just a few minutes spent outside can decrease depressive symptoms. Imagine what a whole weekend does!
5. You're unplugged.
With today's technology, you can still take your phone camping. You could probably even bring a laptop if necessary. But the coolest thing about camping in my opinion is that the need to be constantly checking your phone is diminished. This can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. Research has found that spending too much time using technology can lead to increased anxiety and poor sleep. It can also cause neck pain and even neurological issues. Humans require a connection with one another. Unfortunately, in today's society we've gotten used to finding that connection through social media and the sorts. Turning off your phone forces you to connect with the people you're actually spending time with, and that is far more fulfilling than any app could ever be.
So the way I see it, camping is something everyone can benefit from. Even if it's not your thing, I can guarantee you'll find reasons to love it.