The Pokemon franchise is a staple of its owner, Nintendo, and a staple to the rest of the world. Insanely influential in today's pop culture, Pokemon as a franchise is one of the most well-known, and loved gaming series to date, and ever since its release in 1996, the franchise has grown exponentially, garnering huge support for its ever-growing series. On November 18 of this year, the newest installment of the franchise, "Pokemon: Sun and Moon" (available on the 3DS) will be releasing worldwide. Here are 5 reasons why you need this game.
1. A New Region
The newest installment takes the series somewhere it has never gone before; the Hawaiian islands. Based in the Alola region, "Pokemon: Sun and Moon" has a feel that will be like no other. Running along beaches and volcanos while catching the cutest creatures you can sounds like a pretty sweet deal, and when you take into consideration the amount of lore and historically accuracy these new games will provide, playing in the sands of Hawaii sounds like one of the best new ideas yet in the Pokemon franchise.
2. Three New Starter Pokemon
You never knew you needed a fire cat Pokemon until you saw it. With this upcoming release, three new starters will be added to the game at your disposal, being the next major descendants of fan-favorites Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. Litleo, a fire-cat starter, Rowlet, a grass-owl starter, and Popplio, a water-seal starter. Keeping the original form factor of Fire, Grass, and Water, these new adorable Pokemon will be some of the cutest in your collection, and are reason enough to get the game.
3. A Fresh Take On The Game
Admittedly, the Pokemon games have a tried and true method to success, rarely switching it up in the games themselves. This year, however, the new titles will be switching game mechanics up that have been essential to the series altogether. For example, the removal of the famous Gyms and instead replacing them with island-specific leaders, this changes the game drastically. Whether or not you agree with the change, it is needed, and this and many other new features will give a breath of fresh air to the beloved series.
4. The New Pokemon
With any new Pokemon game comes, you guessed it, new Pokemon. This is reason enough to purchase the new games. New Pokemon, new friends, new adorable companions to travel with. The amount of new designs and concepts are unbelievable, and with the Hawaiian styled region comes Hawaiian styled Pokemon (for example Comfey, a flower crown Pokemon stylistically based off of traditional Hawaiian attire). With over 100 new companions to be made in November, it's easy to see where your money is going that month.
5. Relive The Magic
If you've never played a Pokemon game before, you probably don't understand what all of the hype is about. If you have, you do easily. It's a chance to escape your stressful life and live another, with friends and companions along the way. It's endless fun, and contrary to belief of non-players, for all ages. Pokemon is a franchise for everybody and anybody who loves fun, and that's something an age limit cannot be put on. Take some time and have some fun with a beautifully made game coming straight from the hearts and souls of the creators, to your own. Be your own Pokemon master.
"Pokemon: Sun and Moon" releases on November 18, 2016.