I used to craft occasionally but since heading to college I have become the craft queen. I've made coasters, door signs, shirts and much more in the past two weeks I've been here than I have before. The problem is, though, I was one of the only people who thought to bring a craft box to college, so my friends are constantly using my crafting supplies. So, here are five reasons you should bring craft supplies to college:
1. School Spirit Events
Here at Wells, we have Odd/Even and other traditions that can require some creativity. So, you never know when you might need to make some quick alterations to a shirt or glitter up. The craft box can be the solution to your creativity problems and it might even become a necessity, because you don't want to be that freshman who doesn't have school spirit,
2. Sporting Events
This kind of goes along with the school spirit events mentioned earlier, but this point is dedicated to the section of your craft box that has all your craft supplies in your school colors. You can show your school pride by painting your body red or making a sign for your favorite athlete. Whatever you do, be supportive!
3. Cute Dorm Signs Are a Must
Yes, most of the time your name is on the outside of your door by a nameplate your RA makes but most of the time they don't really represent who you are. To show your personality a personalized door sign is a must. My roommate and I made signs that showcased our sport and our home states, so everyone now knows who we are and what we are all about.
4. You NEED Glitter for Everything
5. Crafting is Good for You
Crafting can help lower anxiety and stress by giving you something to focus your energy toward. After a killer study session, if it's not too late because sleep is also important, working on your craft project is a great way to de-stress while still doing something productive.
Basically everyone needs craft supplies in college. Whether it's to make a cute door sign for you or your friends or to show off your school spirit, you can never go wrong with a craft box! So make sure we you go home for break that you grab those crafts supplies or invest in craft supplies, it will be the best decision you ever made.