Whoever told you, "high school will be the best 4 years of your life" was wrong. Maybe those years were mistaken for the 4 years that come after high school-- the college years.
Here are 5 reasons why college is better than high school:
1. New chapter, new you
When you enter college, you are given a fresh slate. No one knows you or your name, and you have the chance to be whoever you want to be. Whatever happened in your high school past is finally at rest. Completely starting over can be scary, but you'll find it to be the best change ever.
2. You're surrounded by new people
Whether you go to a college with 2,000 students or 20,000, you'll be surrounded by plenty of new faces. After four years of high school, it's easy to grow tired of the same old people. It's refreshing to walk around campus with the potential of meeting someone new every day. Also, if you found it hard to fit in in high school, college will likely prove to be different. Because of the vast amount of people, it will be easier to find peers with similar interests, and your peers will be on a similar intellectual level as you.
3. High-school drama stays in high-school
In college, no one has time for pointless gossip or drama. At this point, most students have matured enough to not care for mindless pettiness. You will find that your peers will not waste their energy over small trifles that seemed to be the end of the world in high school.
4. You get to control your schedule
In high school, you're stuck with the same schedule 5 days a week, 7 hours a day. In college, you get to pick your classes and your professors. Not an early riser? No problem! Don't schedule 8 am's. Did you hear a particular professor wasn't so great? That's okay! You can avoid scheduling their class. With high school classes, your typically left with the hand you're dealt.
5. You become more independent
College will prepare you for something high school doesn't...living in the real world. In college, you're completely on your own. You're away from your parents, and it is your responsibility to fend for yourself. What better way to transition into adulthood? Also, you get the freedom that you didn't have before. There are no curfews, and you can come and go as you please. Just don't neglect your studies.
So, if you're currently in high school, the best is yet to come. If you're currently in college, enjoy your best years while you can.