Everyone is different. Some people choose to go to college far away or close to home. I know I wanted to go to college far away and I almost did. But when I think about it today I am pretty happy with my decision about going to college close to home. I am far away enough that I have a place I can call my home away from home but it is also close enough for me to be able to go home when I want to.
There are some people who do not like being close to home for college. But sometimes we need to remember and realize that a lot of people we go to college with are not able to go home as much as we do. When you sit down and think about it we should take advantage of being close to home. Through my first year in college I never wanted to go home and I did not want my parents coming up to visit me. But I finally came to the realization that it is more of a great thing that I am so close to home.
1. Easy to get away from college.
Sometimes we all need to get away from everything. For me, college is my home away from home. And sometimes the work can get very stressful and you just don't want to be around it anymore. It is nice to be able to go home and get away when you are close and able to go. When you need to get away, you are able to just go home to some place you are comfortable and happy in.
2. Getting a home cooked meal.
We all can get sick of the food at school. No matter how good or disgusting the food is you will be able to go home and have an amazing home cooked meal at home. It is nice to go home especially when you have someone in your family who loves to make you a 10 course meal when you go home. Let's be serious... who doesn't love food?
3. Travel time is less.
When it comes to going home during breaks it isn't as bad as most would think. When you are close to home it is just a quick drive back. Whereas many people have to travel hours to go home. Take advantage of the short distance to go home.
4. Our moms are super close to come take care of us when we are sick.
No matter what age we are we all want our moms when we are sick. Moms always have the right remedies for us when we are sick. From home made soup or giving us the right medicine and just being there for us. It is nice knowing that your mom or parents are close enough to come to you when you need them there.
5. Friends from home can come visit you.
I know one of my problems during freshman year was not being able to see my friends from home. It was hard when we all had different breaks. But when you are close to home, your friends are able to come out to your college and visit you.
When it comes to it just remember that being close to home for college is actually a good thing. When you are homesick you can go home and you will always be close to your parents and friends.