Whether it's in a job or in school, we are always encouraged to somehow get involved; not just do the bare minimum in order to get through the day or just to graduate and move on with life. But really, what does it mean to "get involved?" One idea for you to think about trying this next school year is applying for student leadership. Everyone has a different reason for applying for positions such as; student council, resident assistants, life leaders, global/local outreach, campus outreach boards, community groups etc.
Build community
One major benefit of being a part of student leadership is the opportunity you have to be a part of growing a community on campus or in your job. Leadership positions force you to broaden your horizons and to be active in the world around you. Whether that be the world as a whole, the city you live in, or the building you live in, leadership positions push you into these groups and encourage you to be a huge, positive aspect of a student's life on campus or a coworker's day at work.
Something attractive to add to the resume
It's important you take pride in your resume as you go through school and life in general. As adventurous as you want life to be, let's face it...for many jobs, a resume is required and when life is a constant competition with other human beings, it's beneficial to be able to add any leadership roles you were involved in and any opportunity you took in order to show you are more than just books and homework and Netflix.
Some universities offer scholarships to student leaders. These scholarships can include covering room and board, paid credits, or others. You can never go wrong with some extra spending money, am I right?!
Be a part of something bigger
Don't just sit and let life pass you by. Yes, you can definitely just get through life doing the bare minimum but really, where is the excitement in that? Life is short, so take advantage of the opportunities around you and just do it!
Do something you never would have thought about doing
Putting yourself out there can be a terrifying adventure. Especially if you are like I was when I was a freshman in college; a very introverted person who hates leaving the dorm and getting out of the comfort zone. But let me tell you from personal experience, now as a junior in college I could not imagine my life without being a Head Life Leader and having the opportunity to grow in my walk with God and to encourage others along the way! Looking back to the first time I applied for student leadership, I felt sick to my stomach and was so anxious about what life would bring if I did or did not get accepted. But through this experience, I feel more confident in job interviews and group projects, and I've had the coolest opportunities to say yes to some incredible adventures. Through these experiences, I have found my best friends who have helped shape me into the woman I am today. So what are you waiting for? Try it out! You might surprise yourself!