I'm a rugby player, plain and simple. When I tell people this they usually reply saying how rough it is and that I should take up a less violent sport. Yes, rugby is rough and the only protection I'm wearing out on the pitch are only a mouth guard and cleats. This is what people don't understand though, if you know what you're doing and you were coached properly, you will never walk away from a game with more than a few bumps and bruises.
So, to appreciate the game of rugby, here are five reasons why I love it:
1. My Teammates
For most of us, this is our first time playing rugby and every single day is a learning experience. We are constantly encouraging each other and when we play a game and someone is yelling at us, we don't take it personally. We have fun together and make jokes only a rugby player would understand.
2. Sportsmanship
When you're out on the pitch, you're giving it your best and the opposing team always recognize that. We tackle someone and then apologize because the tackler felt it was too hard. You're commended by how fast you made it to the try line. No matter what the score is at the end of the game, no one walks away bitter. We line up and shake everyone's hand and if there is a particular person that did something that you thought was great, you tell them.
3. We get close, really close
When you ride in a van with 15 other people, you get really close. Particularly after a game. Depending on if it was a tournament or a game of 40-minute halves, it takes a lot out of you and it makes you tired. You were being tackled, stepped on, and other things during this time and when you are headed back to school, all you want to do is sleep. Since there is only so much space on a van, when you fall, asleep you shift and end up with your head on someone's shoulder or on their back and it's perfectly fine.
4. Endless Jokes
In rugby, it is never offensive to call someone a hooker. Why? Because hooker is a position in a scrum that is supported by two props. When I played hooker briefly, I told people that I was a hooker all of the time and the reactions on their faces are priceless and it never gets old. Or the shirts that say, "15 different positions, try one." Those are particularly funny because if you don't know that a "try" is a score and the "15 different positions" refers to how many people are in a 15s game, one would assume that the context of the shirt is sexual.
5. The Looks We Get From Guys Who Underestimate Us
See that guy in the red shorts? He tried to tackle me, but I blew straight through him and it was the most amazing feeling. Being a woman that plays rugby is definitely funny when guys think they can take me on the field and I stiff arm them, tackle them, or just blow straight through them. My whole team was both surprised and extremely proud of me because right after making a try, one of my teammates came up to me and wanted to do a chest bump, but didn't wait for me to say I was ready. Her head hit my chin and my mouthguard flew out of my mouth. Now those guys will never underestimate me again.
Playing this sport has improved my sense of self and I have proven to myself just how far I can push myself and I will never stop, because I am and always will be a rugger.