As August draws to a close and the upcoming school year rapidly approaches, many people will miss the radiant summer weather with its numerous activities. One of the most cherished pastimes for any individual is the opportunity to join a group of friends or family and relax by the pool. The cool, refreshing water generates hours of inexhaustible energy for playing games and remaining relaxed under the security of the calm water. However, many people fail to recognize and appreciate the watchful protectors and silent guardians: the lifeguards. Each one of us, perched on the elevated guard stand, judiciously supervises every movement from the innocent patrons below. Lifeguards are highly trained and certified personnel to assist and prevent any impending danger or incidents in the water or around the general area. Two summers ago, I earned the privilege for working as a lifeguard for the Mequon Pool. Please enjoy 5 realities of a job that trains to save.
1. Any movement could spell danger.
With constant activity within the pool, every individual must be monitored to prevent a potential accident.
2. Boredom is not an option.
As hours pile on throughout shifts, remaining alert to pool activity is the only priority.
3. Acting on instinct saves lives.
Lifeguards are taught to follow their instincts. With trained eyes detecting even the slightest concerns, lifeguards are able to effectively act in any given situation.
4. Even when you're off-duty, you're on-duty.
5. Suiting up means saving lives.
Once the red and white cap, the large rescue tube, the high-pitched safety whistle, and the all-red swim shorts are worn, saving lives instantly takes precedence.
Swimming is by far one of the most anticipated activities throughout each summer. Nothing beats a quick dip in the pool surrounded by family and friends, however, few individuals truly understand the life-saving work of lifeguards. I am proud to consider myself one of those silent protectors waiting intently for any sudden problem or accident. Under the watchful eye of each lifeguard, we ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for every individual. Lifeguards are not unpleasant people who just seem to enjoy bossing others around. In fact, we cherish our jobs and simply want the best for you, even when you find a way to break almost every rule you can. Don worry, we see it all! Therefore, appreciate your time in the pool as well as the hard work and supervision of each lifeguard. We are here for you.