It's hard enough to come up with New Year's resolutions in general but try being in college. When it comes down to it, even making the simplest changes can be a good thing.
1. Eat less Ramen.
Okay, I know what you're thinking. Ramen is basically a staple in every college kids' meal, however, it is very unhealthy. Over my first semester of college, I realized I ate ramen more regularly than I thought. It is such an easy meal to make when hanging out in the dorms, or when you're too lazy to make it down to the dining center before it closes. Instead, choosing a different, more healthy snack may be more beneficial in the long run.
2. Go to the gym (more than once a month).
Ladies, the freshman fifteen is a real thing, and it can easily creep up on you. Finding time two or three times a week is really all you need. Although I'm not one to talk, I have found the motivation to go to the gym very minimal. Everyone has busy college schedules between finding time to eat, going to class, and maybe even working. Even just an hour of exercise in the morning, during the day, or at night, can help keep that freshman fifteen at bay.
3. Put a stop to binge watching.
Netflix is a huge weakness for any college kid. It is extremely easy to sit down and tell yourself "I'll just watch an episode or two" and then find yourself four hours later on the same show. Putting a limit on how many episodes you are going to watch could be helpful when trying to make time for other things like studying or sleeping.
4. Eat out less.
I realized dining center food can get old, very fast, but you are paying for a meal ticket. If there is food near you like Subway, Chipotle, or Noodles, it is quite easy to eat there instead. This has become a bad habit of mine too. I find myself getting very turned off by dining center food and tend to crave more satisfying things. This can get very expensive, and when I actually need something like deodorant or toothpaste, I find myself low on cash because I spent it all on food.
5. Get more sleep.
Sleep is just as important in college as it was in high school and middle school. Classes are more rigorous now than ever, and schedules seem to be more filled, which means sleep is harder to come by. I find myself staying up more because I can, or have to. If you don't get enough sleep, you get sick more often, and you won't have nearly as much energy.
Even simple resolutions like these can make a change in your life, and I know I am going to try out at least three of them within this new year.