Midterms are here and you're stressed. The only thing that is on your mind during this week is midterms, work, and stress. But there are some important quotes you can think about when you need to break up that long list of assignments. They will help you survive and they will help you feel motivated.
1. “It always seems impossible until done." - Nelson Mandela
All those assignments, all those readings, and all of those classes seems impossible until at the end of the week you realize you did it all and made it through. Once everything is checked off your list, it won't be impossible anymore, it will be done.
2. “Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
It always seems so hard to gather all of this motivation to get everything done because it seems like it's so much extra stuff aside from what you already do. If you believe that you can get through it, it will happen. All it takes is 50% belief in yourself from the get go and 50% work ethic to follow. If you can believe yourself, you will get the ball rolling quick and midterms will be a breeze.
3. “Just breathe. You got this."
You really do. Don't spend every waking moment stressing; take some time to breathe and you will get through this with no problem.
4. “If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice."
You're in college for a reason. You have an ultimate goal to reach by being here. It may seem hard now because of everything you have to do, but it will truly be worth it to get your desired end result. Always look for the light at the end of the tunnel, because your goal is what matters most.
5. “You are so close to victory. Don't you dare give up now."
You really can handle this. Just keep moving forward and pushing through it.