Chances are if you're reading this you're at that point in the semester where you're a walking cup of coffee. Midterms are just around the corner and you've been stacked with assignments and exams. There may not be a chance of the school work letting up and you're begging for fall break to get here. All you want to do is nap and watch Netflix and stress eat the homemade cookies your mom sent you. It's also the time where you get all the awesome lectures about how half the class failed an exam and people ask how you're semesters going and you say good but you really mean that you're a zombie with coffee instead of blood and you'd rather curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of your life. Trust me, I feel you.
There are just so many things that college students hate hearing. This isn't all of them but it's a start. using the library is scary, and when the whole class fails the test you know you're screwed. Here's to fall break and long naps!
1. "The average for this exam was a D."
2. "So, How's the semester going?"
3. "I want you to read Chapter 4, it's only 80 pages."
4. " Your exam is on Monday."
5. "Are you doing okay this semester?"
6. "The dining hall is closed."
7. "You Need to use the library"
No way. there is no way that's happening.