It's totally normal to feel pressured to make a whole lot of new friends when starting the semester! Though you shouldn't force yourself to do something you don't want to do, there are plenty of ways to get around this scared feeling of not knowing how to make friends. There are some quick shortcuts out there to meet new people who might have some things in common with you, and fast. Though some may be self-explanatory or obvious, it wouldn't hurt to try them out!
1. Start an "open-door" policy at your dorm.
If you live in a dorm room, leave your door open when you're home! It invites passerby-s to say "hello" or try to introduce themselves. Who knows, maybe they have the same thoughts about dorming in college as you do, or maybe they're willing to start game nights with you and other people on the floor. This could also be useful if one day you're missing milk or cereal, and could use a helping hand.
2. Join a club.
Fairly self-explanatory, but joining a club is one of the fastest ways to meet people that share a common interest or goal as you. You're almost guaranteed to have some sort of talking point with someone if you're both in the club for its main objective and purpose. If you can't find one at your college that suits your interests, try starting one!
3. Go to college events.
That basketball game on Friday that you've been seeing event invitations for? Go try it out! There will be people for your school there to cheer the team on, and you can try to socialize with them. Sports not for you? Look at your college's scheduled events for the week, be it an ice cream social or a resume building workshop, you might be able to connect with a fellow peer.
4. Ask your friends to introduce you to their friends.
Have a dorm mate who's a social butterfly? Go to lunch with them and some of their friends! Ask them to introduce you to people that you might click with. Who knows -maybe you could join their friend group, or make close connections with new individuals. You both have a mutual friend, so you already have something in common!
5. Volunteer!
Find volunteer opportunities at your college or in its community's surrounding area, if you're willing to put the work in. You could make friends who have the same values as you, or maybe even the same interests! You could also be getting good resume building activities out of it, and you'll also be helping out more than just your future career - you'll be helping out the greater good. (While socializing).
Making friends in college might even be easier than you thought! Go out there, be active in your college community, and don't feel pressured to force friendships. There are a handful of semesters ahead of you, filled with new faces and new opportunities. You will find your crew with time!