Alright y'all, it's that time again. All the boxes are packed, cars are stuffed, and moms are crying. Move-In Weekend is in full-swing, WOOHOO!
But... this can be a really difficult time for everyone.
How can it not be? Moving in to college is probably about as stressful as it gets. I mean, come on, deciding which shoes to pack and which ones you have to leave behind?? What's more disturbing than that?! Okay, okay, maybe that's just me.
But on a serious note, here are a few quick tips to remember to make moving into college a little less hectic.
1. Give yourself plenty of time.
I don't know about you guys, but personally, I get tired of packing my things up after about half an hour. So make sure to give yourself enough time to get your items in order.
Also, if you're extra worried about packing, look around your room and place sticky notes on the things that you one hundred percent need to pack. Once it's packed, remove the sticky note - simple and effective.
2. Make a playlist with all of your favs.
Having a solid playlist with all of your favorite songs can make packing move along smoothly (hint: add "Move Along" by The All-American Rejects just because). I've found it make the time pass quickly. And honestly, who doesn't like a good jam session while packing up their life??
3. Ask for help.
Don't be afraid to do it either, I mean it! Ask anyone. Mom, dad, grandma, siblings, friends. Just ask. Having more than one set of hands will speed the process. Plus, who knows what picture you'll find that will bring back memories and good times that you shared with whoever is helping you.
4. Save the big things for last.
I've seen so many people bring up their big, heavy items first, and I never understood why. Sure, it gets them out of the way, but then aren't you super tired after you carry those up to your room on the 11th floor of your building??
Of course you are! Or at least I was... ANYWAY, no matter what floor you live on, try to bring your smaller items up first. This allows you to bring up more things at once, and then you still have enough energy to bring up the bulkier items afterwards.
5. Squeeze a little harder than usual.
Once the car is unpacked and things are moved in, it's time to say goodbye. This is the time to squeeze your mom and your dad or whoever a little tighter. Not only do they need it, but you will too. Even if you don't think you will. It's always nice to be able to feel the hug linger on a little after they've left.
Now, if you're anything like me you might be wondering, "Wait, she never mentioned how to pick which shoes to pack?!" Well, if I'm being honest... there is NO WAY I am picking which shoes to leave behind. Just go ahead and pack them all! Hey, you never know when you're going to need those pair of velvet red heels you only wore once to your senior homecoming. Am I right or am I right?
That's all I got! Hope these tips make your move into college a little less crazy.