If you're single I am sure you can relate to at least one awkward moment in your life when you've been asked, "So...any special someone in your life?" This is an especially popular topic at family gatherings. Then after you respond, you are challenged with the question, "Why!" like there is something wrong with you.
If you didn't already know, I am here to tell you.... it is OK to be single! Sometimes there are more important things to worry about than changing your relationship status on Facebook.
Here is a quick list of completely reasonable and logical answers to clear up anyone's confusion about your love life.
1. I am too busy. I have to focus all my energy on so many things, like work and school. Often I feel as if there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. I want to be able to have time and effort to devote to a relationship.
2. I need to focus on myself. My body and mind need some work right now. I don't feel ready to share my world with anyone. I want to be in love with myself before I try and love somebody else.3. I haven't met the right one. I don't want to date someone just to say that I am in a relationship. To me that seems like a waste. I want to take my time and find someone I'm compatible with. Someone I have a connection with.5. I love my freedom. I enjoy being independent and on my own. I like being able to make decisions without having to consult anyone. For example, I could get up and travel right now without having the guilt or worry leaving my significant other.