Hello, teachers of my last year of high school. Most of you I like. Some of you, eh. As you have spent all of my senior year asking me questions, I would like to ask you, my "eh" teachers, a few questions.
1. Why do you hate me?
Please tell me why you hate me. You obviously do if you decided to give me projects and ten-page papers over the weekend of prom. Not Cool.
2. Why are you doing it wrong?
I have worked my butt off the entire year in your class. I took my AP test; I’m done; I’ve clocked out. Not only do you hate me, but you are also doing your job completely wrong. After AP testing (especially senior year), you’re not supposed to teach. Right now, I should be having parties and watching Monster University. If anything, teach me something interesting. Life, movies, and food are all acceptable topics to” teach” me about. I did not take years of AP tests for you to ruin this cycle of easy schooling after the tests.
3. Why do you have senioritis?
I get it, you can’t wait for the school year to end, but isn’t this your job? I would love to have four day weekends until the year ends too, but I think you need to calm down a bit. While you’re at home making yourself some pancakes, I’m sitting in your class wondering how I’m supposed to do all this work you assigned me if you’re not here to tell me what you want.
4. Why don't you know how to say my name?
Whether I’ve been in your class for four year or just this one, I’m pretty sure you should know how to say it. You shouldn’t have to double check with one of my other teachers to make sure you don’t mispronounce it at awards night.
5. Why are you a teacher?
I’m pretty sure you hate kids. You genuinely don’t like us, and I’m very confused at your career choice.